The best young librarian of the Year-2023

6 october, 2023

SGD.4 Quality education

On October 6, 2023, the Department of World History, Historiography and Source Studies of the Historical Faculty of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University hosted the final stage of the republican contest "The Best Young Librarian-2023" in the National Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan with the participation of 4th and 1st year students, and G.Abikov educational program "6B03205-library information systems".
During the event, students got acquainted with the winners of the first stage of the competition, which was held in 14 regions of Kazakhstan, participants of the republican final competition "The Best young librarian - 2023", and young librarians who own their profession, business, creative, creative searches.
The Republican contest of professional skills "The best young librarian of the Year-2023" is aimed at increasing the prestige of the profession and stimulating the development of the library profession. The participants presented essays "new generation library: my view", "online librarian: current challenges and new formats", "library is the flagship of the cultural region of the region", "my choice is the library", "I am a librarian", "one day in the life of a librarian", a video presentation on the topic "Appearance librarian, biblioportfolio projects that reveal the social significance of the librarian's profession, as well as the significance of the institution in which he works.
Students of the 4th and 1st courses of the educational program "6B03205-library information systems", future librarians got acquainted with the best data related to the work of the library sphere. At present, as in other industries, new requirements are being imposed on librarians. A librarian of the XXI century should be professionally competent, a truly creative person, in which there are currently great opportunities. In my opinion, the exchange of ideas and opinions with future colleagues in itself was one school, one great experience for your future. At the end of the event, the students shared their thoughts and impressions. In general, the festive event was held at a high level.