“The Creative World of Takhai Akhtanov”

7 november, 2023






Dear colleagues!


 On November 7, 2023 the  Department of Kazakh Literature and Theory of Literature  and the Faculty of Philology of   Al-Farabi Kazakh National University will host  scientific-  practical conference: “The Creative World of Takhai Akhtanov”, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Takhavi Akhtanov,  the classics of Kazakh literature.


The conference topics:

  1. Literary heritage of T. Akhtanov
  2.  Creative Work of T. Akhtanov and modern Kazakh novel
  3. Drama of T. Akhtanov and problems of modern dramaturgy
  4. Topical problems of modern literary studies

The  conference languages: Kazakh, Russian, English

Form of participation in the conference – online, offline

The conference is open to researchers, teachers, doctoral students, undergraduates.

All expenses related to arrival and stay in Almaty are at the expense of the participants.

Conference fee is 3000 tenges.

A Following the results of the conference an electronic collection of materials will be published.

Requirements for the presentation of the report:

The volume of reports should not exceed 5 pages; line spacing – 1 (single); the text should be typed in Word format; Times New Roman, size 14; fields: upper – 2 cm, lower - 2 cm, right - 2 cm, left – 2 cm. In the right upper part of the sheet the author's surname and initials, work place, academic degree and title are printed. In the middle of the sheet is the name of the abstract or report. Footnotes are given at the end of the text in the order in which they are cited. Reports and application forms should be submitted in electronic version.

 The deadline for  applications and reports is  no later than November 5, 2023.

Application forms for participation and materials are sent  to E-mail address: ahtanovconference@gmail.com  or to the postal address: 050040, Almaty, Al-Farabi avenue, 71, Al-Farabi KazNU, Department of Kazakh Literature and Theory of Literature.

 The contacts of executive secretaries: +7 707 717 42 60 Е.М. Soltanaeva, +7 707 290 75 46, G.R. Dautova.

Venue: 050040, Almaty, Al-Farabi Avenue, 71, Al-Farabi Library, Conference Room 409,  Time: 11.00 p.m.

Registration will take place on November 7, 2023 at 10:30 p.m.