Prospects for cooperation with Tashkent State Transport University
In the framework of achieving SDG goal 17 “Partnership for sustainable development” at the Department of Business Technologies of the Higher School of Economics and Business, headed by the head of the department Ph.D., acting professorAkhmetova Z.B., Ph.D., associate professor Sartova R.B., senior lecturer Shurenov N.B. on October 24, 2023, a ZOOM meeting was held with representatives of the Tashkent State Transport University (TSTU) with the aim of establishing and developing comprehensive cooperation.
Colleagues from TSTU expressed particular interest in holding joint events aimed at multilateral dialogue.
As part of the cooperation, joint scientific publications, participation in international projects such as Erasmus + and grant funding projects are planned,
collaboration of the research center "Innovative Transport" (TSTU) and the Smart Marketing & Logistics Center ( - Farabi), holding conferences, etc.
The memorandum of cooperation opens up new prospects for students and teachers of the Department of Business Technologies and creates the basis for future cooperation and innovation in the field of logistics and marketing.