“SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Settlements”

25 october, 2023

On October 25, 2023, in  Dormitory No. 17 of the Faculty of Philology, within the framework of   “SDG 11:  Sustainable Cities and Settlements”, the lecturer  of the Department of Foreign Philology and Translation Studies of the Faculty of Philology held an event with the 1st year students majoring  in  “6B02303- Foreign philology".

Оur country is developing in various fields and many people  are involved in the process of our country development. One of these areas is urbanization and sustainable cities. Urbanization causes both positive and negative consequences for both the environment and the country  population. We should be careful, attentive and responsible about the environment and what surrounds us in order to make our lives more comfortable. On the one hand, many new buildings are being built, new territories are being improved, new playgrounds are being built for children so that children can develop physically. But at the same time, urbanization means a large number of people, overpopulation and not everyone knows how to take care of new cultural objects and nature, therefore, we always need to remember that we need to take care of the environment and buildings, monuments, statues and not to litter, not to break. And then we will reach a new level of development.

Organizer: Tairova G.A.