Creation of genetically modified organisms to eliminate hunger (SDG2)Farabi University

Creation of genetically modified organisms to eliminate hunger (SDG2)

24 october, 2023

On October 24, Associate Professor of the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics Zhumabayeva B.A. together with master undergraduates of the specialty "7M05105 Genetics" held a scientific seminar within the framework of achieving the SDG Zero Hunger. Seminar topic: "CRISPR genome editing technology. CRISPR technology as a tool of genetic engineering". The methods of creating genetically modified plants and animals for agriculture and the exact mechanism of genome editing were considered. Genetic engineering is widely used around the world, but special attention was paid to the possibilities of using GMOs for agriculture in the Republic. The creation of new plant varieties capable of yielding in arid desert conditions, on saline soils, and experiencing severe snowy winters is a matter of ensuring food security. Equally important is the creation of new breeds of genetically modified animals. The discussion was particularly heated when discussing ethical issues of genome editing and the consequences of using GMOs for human health.