Vaping: the harm of electronic cigarettes
On October 27, 2023, a round table was held on the topic “Vaping: the harm of electronic cigarettes” with 1st year students “6B04103 Economics”. The topic discussed the harm of vaping tobacco, which has become a disease of society, ways to get rid of it and measures taken to distance it from society.
As the saying goes, a healthy mind in a healthy body, the health of the younger generation is crucial for our development and prosperity as a country. It has been said that we should develop a healthy lifestyle and avoid bad behavior.
SDG 3 is closely linked to the other Sustainable Development Goals, as ensuring healthy lives and improving the well-being of all people at all ages is essential to building well-rounded and effective societies. Without health, it is difficult to solve the problem of poverty and hunger, or in other words, poverty (1 SDG) and hunger (2 SDG) hinder health (3 SDG). Therefore, lead a healthy lifestyle and take care of your health.
Organizers: Dauliyeva G.R., Kakizhanova T.I., Andabayeva G.K.