SDG 4. Quality education

1 november, 2023

On October 20, 2023, the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Strengthening the NPT Regime and Global Security: Challenges and Prospects” was held at the Almaty Management University (AlmaU). This was an important event, organized jointly by AlmaU, Kazakh National University. al-Farabi, the Almaty branch of the National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, the production center "Tomiris" and the business magazine "Point of Support".

At the conference, welcoming speeches were made by leaders, including Sarkeev B.K., vice-rector for science of AlmaU, Aitzhanova Zh.N., member of the board and vice-rector for scientific innovation activities of NAO KazNU named after. al-Farabi, Vlastimil Samek, representative of the UN Department of Global Communications and head of the UN Information Bureau in the Republic of Kazakhstan, Savelyev S.R., member of the Pugwash Committee of Kazakhstan at KazNAEN, senior expert at the Institute of Foreign Policy Studies under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as Sayranbaev D.S., PhD, senior research scientist, RSE at the PVC "Institute of Nuclear Physics" of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The conference was also attended by employees of the Laboratory of Radiation Physics and Functional Materials of the Faculty of Physics and Technology. One of our colleagues, leading researcher B.A. Toronin, presented a report on the topic: “Radiation for peaceful purposes: The use of accelerators in science, industry and medicine using the example of ELU-4.” In addition, the head of the department of theoretical and nuclear physics, Abishev M.E., made a report. This was an event that brought together scientists and specialists who came together to discuss important issues.