Cooperation for Sustainable Development

2 november, 2023

  Graduate student Ivanova Svetlana Sergeevna of the Udmurt State University of the Institute of Language and Literature of the Russian Federation, the finalist of the competition "Masters of the Russian Language - 2023,"  completed her internship at the Philological Faculty of al-Farabi Kazakh National University. S. Ivanova held  the lessons  with the bachelor's program students, participated in the events of the "Center for the Russian Language and Culture" from October 2 to 27.

Svetlana Sergeevna conducted  Russian language lessons  for the  students of the Republic of Kazakhstan and foreign students from Turkmenistan, participated in the cultural events of the university dedicated to R.G. Gamzatov’s  centenary  and the State Symbols dedicated to  celebrating   the Day of the Republic within SDG.

S.S. Ivanova shared her impressions: "During my internship at al-Farabi KazNU, I had the opportunity to work with the bachelor's program students, compare the university's training system with the Russian system, and also teach Russian for foreign students. In Almaty, I met warm   and friendly  people.  Teaching practice at al-Farabi KazNU named  gave me an  invaluable experience.

I wish students to improve their foreign language competence. Each new language helps  understand the culture of its people!

I thank Dean of the Faculty of Philology,  Dzholdasbekova Bayan Umirbekovna for the opportunity to teach students  at the Center for Russian Language and Culture

I hope for further cooperation and partnership in the interests of sustainable development between our universities.