“Speech etiquette and negotiation practice”
On November 1, Professor of the Department of Chinese Studies Fatimabibi Nogaykyzy Daulet held an open lesson for the teaching staff of the department with the participation of 1st year graduate students in the specialty “translation studies”. An open lesson was held in the discipline “Speech etiquette and negotiation practice.” The open lesson was devoted to the peculiarities of using speech forms of etiquette in the practice of negotiations. In the introductory part of the lesson, undergraduates shared their knowledge of speech etiquette, learned in the previous eight weeks. Further, according to the lesson plan, the undergraduates analyzed the text assigned for homework, identified all forms of etiquette from the text, including words, expressions, texts, etc., and also provided translations of speech etiquette formulas. In the main part of the lesson, the professor presented a new text, which was subjected to stylistic analysis during the lesson. Importance was given to the analysis of politeness strategies used in the text. In the final part of the lesson, the graduate students spoke about the linguistic and cultural information learned during the lesson, noting that etiquette formulas can consist not only of words and expressions, but even punctuation marks and interjections can serve as auxiliary means in their composition. During the discussion of the open lesson, teachers of the department noted; that methods of communicative competence (grammatical competence, reading competence, strategic competence, cultural-cognitive competence), case method, brainstorm method, modern computer and information technologies used during an open lesson by professor not only contribute to the rapid assimilation of theoretical material, but also make a great contribution to strengthening the motivation of students in further learning a foreign language.