SDG 4. Open curatorial hour dedicated to the 125th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding statesman T.K. Zhurgenov

31 october, 2023

On October 31, at 16.00, first-year students of the Department of Thermophysics and Technical Physics of the OP "6B05303--Technical Physics" (115 gr) held an open curatorial hour for the 125th anniversary of the birth (1898-1938) of the outstanding statesman T.K. Zhurgenov.

Temirbek Karauly Zhurgenov (1898-1938) is one of the talented organizers of culture, literature and art of Kazakhstan, an outstanding statesman and public figure of the republic, a publicist. His creative legacy is based on three things: personal leadership, political and organizational excellence. The most significant works are T.K. Zhurgenov's books "Cultural Revolution in Kazakhstan", "Elimination of illiteracy in Kazakhstan", textbook "Political Economy", "States of the Kazakh people in Central Asia", "Creation of the Kazakh Pedagogical Institute", "Poets and singers of the Kazakh people" and other essays, articles.

The event was attended by the head of the department Bolegenova S.A., Deputy head of the department Shortanbayeva Zh.K., teachers of the department Ospanova Sh.S. Tazhenova M.S., Maksutkhanova A.M.
After the event, the guests expressed special gratitude to the students for their active participation in the social life of the faculty.
Curators – advisors: Tazhenova M.S., Maksutkhanova A.M.