KazNU scientists develop inclusive education

3 november, 2023

Scientists of Al-Farabi KazNU realize the grant project "Formation of professional self-determination of students with special educational needs (SEN) as a national strategy in the field of inclusive education in the Republic of Kazakhstan".

The project is of national significance. It is aimed at the realization of the "Concept of Inclusive Education in RK", the Law of RK "On Social and Medical-Pedagogical Correctional Support for Children with Disabilities", "Roadmap of Higher and Postgraduate Education for Persons with Disabilities" of the Ministry of Education and Science of RK.

Scientific research was carried out under the guidance of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Academician of IASPE, Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Educational Management of Al-Farabi KazNU Akmaral Sabitollayevna Magauova. Scientists made a source base of the problem under study, including scientific works of Kazakhstani and foreign researchers, developed a "Comprehensive program of formation of professional self-determination of students with disabilities in the conditions of university education", which is being tested on the basis of the Center for Support of Students with Disabilities at Al-Farabi KazNU. Within the framework of the project a sociological survey was conducted, which allowed to identify the real state and experience of solving the problems of supporting students with disabilities in the conditions of university education.

Under the guidance of the candidate of pedagogical sciences, Professor G.A.Kasen the experimental research "Identification and analysis of different lines of professional and personal self-determination of students with AHP" was conducted. The results of the experiment are published in the journal KOCSON "Bulletin of KazNU" and the journal included in the Scopus base.

Participants of the research group are the authors of the educational-methodical manual "Scientific and methodological support of professional self-determination of persons with OOP in the system of higher education" in Kazakh, Russian and English languages. It reflects the scientific substantiation of the introduction of innovative professional-oriented technologies of psychological and pedagogical support of students with disabilities in the inclusive environment of the university.

At present, a collective scientific monograph "Professional self-determination of students with AHP: theory, methodology, practice" is being prepared for publication. This is a real contribution to the development of methodological foundations of the theory and practice of inclusive higher education. The monograph contains the results of the study of foreign experience, analysis of legislative and regulatory documents, identification of trends, factors of the process of formation of professional self-determination of students with AHP. The research conducted by scientists contributes to the solution of the problem of creating the necessary psychological and pedagogical conditions for the development of inclusive educational and developmental environment in higher education institutions.

Within the framework of the project, advanced training courses for teachers "Psychological and pedagogical support of students with disabilities in the inclusive educational environment of higher education institution" were organized, which was attended by teachers of universities of Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Russia. Socio-psychological trainings for students with special needs are conducted.

The research group has established contacts with scientific laboratories and centers of foreign universities: Institute of Global Education of Tsukuba University (Japan), Herzen State Pedagogical University, North-West Institute of Management of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation (St. Petersburg). The research group has established contacts with research laboratories and centers of foreign universities: Institute of Global Education of Tsukuba University (Japan), Herzen State Pedagogical University, North-West Institute of Management of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation (St. Petersburg), Siauliai Academy of Vilnius University (Lithuania), Moscow State Social University (Russia).