«Legal education»

14 november, 2023


Today, one of the main issues is the disclosure of legal literacy of our youth. So, on November 14, 2023 at 11:00 a.m.  in Room 326 the big educational event was organized among students and teachers.  The teachers of the Department of Kazakh Literature and Literary Theory, Doctor of Philology, Professor Z.N.Seitzhanov, Doctor of Philology, Professor S.B.Eranova, Phd, Senior lecturer E.S.Seisenbieva, senior lecturer Sh. A. Shortanbai and the  1st-year doctoral students A.K.Kospagarova, N.Nabiolla, N.Berikovna    together with the 2d  students of the 2nd year of 6B02306-literary studies major were the main organizers of the event. The event topic was «Legal education». The goals of the event were:

- to ensure large-scale and equitable quality education and to promote lifelong learning opportunities for all;

-  to tell about  a peaceful and open society for sustainable development,  to provide  the possibility of achieving justice for all and the creation of effective, accountable and participatory institutions at all levels.

The 3d year  students of the Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University, majoring in “6B11102-Cultural and leisure work”,  G.Doskar, G. Kadyrova, who shared their opinion about getting a "legal education" and its significance.  The students exchanged views on the following topics: 1. "Legal education and the state in the past (before the XXI century)", 2. "Legal education: the current state", 3. "Legal education and its future".  The event program included the quiz on legal education. The students gained knowledge about legal education. Also, as a guest gift, the students of the Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University performed songs and read poems. The event  was very interesting and exciting.