17 november, 2023

Within the framework of solving the tasks of the SDGs on gender equality, students of the OZ Faculty of Medicine and Healthcare discussed the problems of gender equality in various countries at a round table and analyzed the rights and opportunities of women in the Republic of Kazakhstan, the controversy turned out to be lively and interesting. The topic of social issues and gender equality is of great interest to students, each student has his own vision of the problem, ways to solve it and they actively shared their thoughts.

A report on the state of gender inequality and the status of women of the planet was made by a 2nd-year student OZ Aitbek Nazerke.

"Women and girls make up half of the world's population. Consequently, they are half of the human potential to achieve sustainable development. However, at present, gender inequality persists everywhere, which leads to stagnation in social and economic progress. Gender inequality is familiar even to the most economically developed countries, but this problem is most acute in developing countries. According to data for 2014, 143 countries guaranteed equality of men and women in their constitutions, but 52 more countries have to implement this step. If current trends continue, it will take 170 years to achieve gender equality. Worldwide, about 750 million women and girls have married before the age of 18. About 200 million women and girls have been subjected to female genital mutilation."

In 30 countries where the practice of female genital mutilation is widespread, in 2017 more than 1 in 3 girls aged 15 to 19 years underwent these operations, whereas in 2000 almost every second girl.

In 18 countries, a husband can officially prohibit his wife from working, in 39 countries boys and girls have different inheritance rights, in 49 countries there are no laws prohibiting domestic violence.

One in five women, including 19 percent of women aged 15 to 49, said that they had been physically and/or sexually assaulted by an intimate partner during a 12-month period.

Despite the active participation of women in the political life of countries, women today account for 23.7% of seats in State parliaments, which does not yet meet the principle of gender parity.

Most of the students came to the conclusion that gender policy issues are successfully resolved in our society and our country is included in the list of countries where gender equality issues and the protection of the rights of girls and women are protected by the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

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