A meeting of publishers took place

16 november, 2023

A round table "Modern publishing: problems and prospects" was held at the Faculty of Journalism of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, with the support of the Youth Policy Department of Almaty, under the leadership of the Department of "Publishing, Editorial and Design Art" within the framework of the project "Okyrman ult".

The purpose of the round table:

 - Discussion of topical issues in the publishing sphere;

- Assessment of the direction of development of the publishing industry market;

 - Training of a qualified specialist.

The round table was attended by: Director of the Book Chamber of the Republic of Kazakhstan, President of the Association of Publishers, Printers and Book Distributors A.Koytanov, Dean of the Faculty of Journalism of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University T.Kopbayev, Head of the Department of Publishing, Editorial and Design Art A.Ramazan, Executive Director of the public fund "Otbasy Chrestomatiyasy" B.Kudiyar, Director of the publishing house "Annur sapa" E.Abdraman, founder of the publishing house "Kazyna" A.Shaiken, professor of the Department of Publishing, Editorial and Design Art K. Mukataevna, director of the publishing house "Asaba" D.Smail, deputy director of the publishing house "Arman PV" K. Karayeva, editor of the publishing house "Mazmundama" H. Ziyadanovna, publisher, marketer M. Kesebaev, editor of the publishing house "Amal books" M. Salyk, editor of the publishing house "Stepe and world" S. Bekzhan and the teaching staff of the Faculty of Journalism. During the discussion, the Director of the National Book Chamber of the Republic of Kazakhstan A.Koytanov noted that together with the Amanat party, more than ten bookstores have been opened in the regions of the republic, and there are plans to open even more bookstores. At the initiative of the founder of the Kitapal club, marketer Miras Kesebayev, the Book to the Village project was launched, which distributed 5,500 books to remote regions of the country. In this regard, Professor of the Department of Publishing, Editorial and Design Art K. Mukataevna proposed to open the organization "Book Society". Topical issues of modern publishing were discussed at the round table. For most of which positive solutions are given.


Senior Lecturer of the Department of Publishing,

 Editorial and Design Art A.Tlepbergen