The staff of the Department of Analytical, Colloidal Chemistry headed by Prof. acad. NAEN RK K.B.Musabekov defended a report on modern nowhow topics of nanotechnology

20 november, 2023

On November 17 of this year, Satbayev University hosted the International Conference "CHALLENGES of SCIENCE". Within the framework of this conference, scientists of Al-Farabi kaznu defended their reports. The report is a powder necessary for the production of self-cleaning building materials that are not infected with water droplets in accordance with the modern scientific direction, that is, nanotechnology. This modern report was discussed on the topic "features of the creation of modern nanotechnological composite materials" and aroused great interest among the audience. The opening of the conference was attended by the Minister of Science Of The Republic of Kazakhstan Sayasat Nurbek, chairman of the Science Committee Darkhan Zhumakhanovich