A job fair was held at KazNU

24 november, 2023

The Office of Professional Development and Careers held a job fair for students at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.

The fair was attended by large companies and organizations such as: Air Astana, Kazakhtelecom, Halyk bank, Bank CenterCredit, Kaspi Bank, Imstalcon, Nomand Insurance, Danon, Magnum Cash & Carry, Prima Distribution and others (27 participants in total). Employers offered students a wide range of vacancies of various profiles.

"The job fair has been held at the university for many years, helping students find places for internships, apprenticeships or part-time employment. It is a very easy and useful format. The choice of vacancies is very wide, which is important for KazNU as a classical and research university, - said the chief specialist of the Office of professional development and career of Al-Farabi KazNU Asem Ayazbayeva. - Representatives of companies tell about the sphere of activity, structure, collective, motivates students and helps to orient on the labor market. The Office of Professional Development and Careers holds such events once or twice a year, and also organizes local mini-fairs at faculties when it receives requests for specialists of a particular profile. The fair is popular and brings its results".

Students from first to final year showed interest in the fair. Sultan Ilyas, a fourth-year student of the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, believes: "The chances of finding a job with the help of the fair are very high, because there are many companies here. I have looked at the list of participants, and I will definitely apply to the big companies. I hope I will be lucky.

Oleg Li, a 1st year journalism student, is looking for a part-time job at the fair. The young man is an active member of the Bologna Process Student Bureau and other organizations. "I'm very impressed with the big organizations that participate in the fair. It's a real chance for many students to make a successful professional start. I think it's quite realistic to combine study and work if you want to".

"The job fair is convenient because it allows you to "get hooked" in the right organization in order to return to the company after graduation. I myself graduated from KazNU this year and was able to get a job in a national company thanks to the fact that I had an internship at Kazakhtelecom for three years. I work in the HR department, and we compile lists of trainees, from which we then select applicants for vacancies," said Samal Alenova, a Kazakhtelecom representative.  

Employers also see the fair as a real chance to find fresh labor force, because they always need specialists in economics and finance, lawyers, IT accountants and other specialists for internship with further employment.

Press-service of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University