International scientific and practical conference «Global trends of world development: realities and prospects»

24 november, 2023

Faculty of International Relations of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University will organize the International scientific and practical conference «Global trends of world development: realities and prospects» devoted to the 80th anniversary of the First Dean of the Faculty of International Relations Zhambatyrova Gulzhauhar Shagatayevna (1943-2002) on December 1, 2023.

It is planned to discuss the key parameters of the development of contemporary international relations, foreign policy and diplomacy; to present the results of scientific research in the field of international cooperation; to consider the main trends of politics, international law, economy, international security; as well as the challenges and risks facing global politics; and to present promising scenarios and opportunities for Kazakhstan’s foreign policy and diplomacy.

Venue: Karasai Batyr St. 95 A, Faculty of International Relations.

Date and time: on 1 December 2023, 9.30-16.00 o’clock.