1st International Conference "Al Farabi's Contribution to the History of Mankind

12 october, 2023


On October 11-12, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, together with the Organization of the Islamic World for Education, Science and Culture (ISESCO), organized the 1st International Conference "Al Farabi's contribution to the History of Mankind" at the headquarters of the organization in Rabat, dedicated to the discovery of Al Farabi's legacy.

Rector of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Tuimebayev Zhanseit Kanseitovich took part in the conference online and sent congratulations to the participants of the conference.

In addition, a memorandum of understanding was signed to expand cooperation between the Federation of Universities of the Islamic World at ISESCO and the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.

Vice-Minister of Science and Higher Education Akatov Kamilgalalievich took part in the conference from the Kazakh side. It was also attended by representatives of a number of countries belonging to the ISESCO organization, management, scientists in the field of science and education. During the conference, congratulations were made on the results of the competition, research published in connection with research on the legacy of Al-Farabi.

As part of the conference, the Al-Farabi International Center of our University organized an exhibition of books dedicated to Farabi studies, a video shoot, a photo exhibition dedicated to the heritage of ancestors, and also presented to ISESCO representatives a wide presentation of research conducted at the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.

The international meeting was held with the support of the Organization for Education, Science and Culture of the Islamic World. The reports were made by scientists-farabiologists of our University, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor Ainur Panikovna Kurmanalieva, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor Zhakip Altayevich Altaev, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor Nagima Zhaulybaevna Baitenova, Sammet Baizhuma. This is a tribute to history, science and science, as well as the immeasurable work of the outstanding thinker Abu Nasr al-Farabi, the son of the Kazakh land. It is also symbolic that the meeting dedicated to studying the legacy of the great thinker from different angles was held in Noyabrsk by the Organization for Education, Science and Culture of the Islamic World.

Al-Farabi is one of the key figures in the history of intellectual thinking, who contributed to the widespread spread and prosperity of the wings of world civilization. The legacy of the thinker, who laid the foundation for the prosperity of interaction and dialogue between cultures and civilizations, is relevant today. During the conference, the issues of Al-Farabi and his influence on human philosophy were discussed; Al-Farabi's theories in the field of philosophy of science and political philosophy; Al-Farabi's philosophy of music and its aesthetics; modernization of modern Al-Farabi studies.