How do we solve the problem of lack of energy?

28 november, 2023

As President Kasym-Jomart Tokayev said in his message "economic benchmark of fair Kazakhstan", the issue of building a nuclear power plant in the country is decided by referendum.

However, the Ministry of Energy is confident that the issue will be solved optimally, i.e. the majority of the population will vote in favor. It is as if they have already determined the territory where the NPP will be located (the suburb of Balkhash, a large village), its capacity (2 units of 1200 MW each), the list of companies building the plant (Russia, Korea, France, China, USA). Looking at the results of the referendums we have had so far, it is not hard to guess that the probability of this happening is high. According to our calculations, when building nuclear power plants in Turkey, Iran and many other countries that build, build and build nuclear power plants cheaper than in others, and it seems that the choice goes to the company Rosatom from a neighboring and friendly state.

Before the referendum, both supporters of the nuclear power plant (Ministry of Energy) and opponents (environmentalists, activists) present their arguments and try to refute the opinion of the opposite side.

Environmentalists emphasize its radiation danger. Examples of accidents in Chernobyl (Russia, 1986), Fukushima (Japan, 1911) at Three Mile Island (USA, 1979). A nuclear power plant claims it needs a lot of water, which can lead to water shortages. There is an even higher cost. They believe that wind farms, solar power plants should be built instead.

Also noteworthy are the responses of the Ministry representatives, experts who support them. According to the data as of July 1922, at the moment (this year this data has not changed much) in the whole world in 32 (33) states 54 power units with 440 nuclear power plants with a total capacity of 394 GW are under construction, 201 power units have been closed. It should be noted that until 1999 Kazakhstan was also on this list. BN-350, the world's first fast neutron reactor built in Aktau (formerly Shevchenko), provided the population with purified Caspian water from 1973-99. At present, two reactors are operating at the nuclear center and one at the Institute of Nuclear Physics. This means that Kazakhstan has both experience in managing reactors and specialists capable of managing them.

Most reactors in the world are located in five countries. These are: USA (95), France (56), China (49), Russia (38) and South Korea (23). The percentage of production from nuclear power plants in these countries ranged from 20 percent (U.S.) to 70 percent (France).

There are several types of reactors. The most common are VVER, RBMK. Russia has built many of these reactors. Kazakhstan will probably be offered them. As for costs, two 1200 MW units are estimated to cost about 10-12 billion dollars and can be built in about 8-10 years.

So, "does Kazakhstan need nuclear power?" is a question we all have to answer during the referendum. Of course, the main issue that worries the public is safety. The accidents that have occurred so far have been caused either by faulty actions of reactor control specialists (Chernobyl) or by a natural disaster that never happened before. In more than sixty years, no natural disaster has been recorded in France. Moreover, third, fourth generation reactors with very high safety are now being built. There do not seem to be many distractions in this respect.

The problem of funds can be solved through investors. The need for energy-an undeniable issue, especially for the southern areas. And on the social side, jobs will be created and highly skilled, qualified people are needed. The honor of the country will increase, because the construction of NPPs is not possible for every state. Neighbor Uzbekistan is also building a nuclear power plant now. All issues are decided by referendum. We think our people will make the right decision.

Turgara Tuseyev,

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor