Rector presented KazNU research in Germany

1 december, 2023

Chairman of the Board - Rector of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Zhanseit Tuimebayev took part in the conference "East: new perspectives and ties - Georgia, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan", which was held in Bochum (Germany).

Scientists, professors and heads of universities from Germany, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Georgia were invited to the conference. The participants of the forum discussed the current topic of international cooperation between East and West in the field of higher education and science.

During the session were heard speeches: Professor Johann G.B. Rust of the Department of International Political Economy of East Asia, Center for EU-Asia Interaction of Ruhr University in Bochum (RUB), Professor Sebastian Bersik of RUB, Rector of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Professor Zhanseit Tuimebaev, Professor Oliver Reisner of Ilia State University (Tbilisi, Georgia) and others.

Rector of KazNU Zhanseit Tuimebayev addressed the conference participants with the report "High-class research in KazNU and opportunities for state funding in Kazakhstan". The head of the educational institution dwelt on the goals of development of scientific directions and strengthening the competitiveness of the university.

In his report the rector noted that "In KazNU for today 625 educational programs are approved. From them on 120 specialties are realized programs of double diploma with universities of Europe, USA, South-East Asia, Russia", - said the rector, noting that today 400 scientific projects for the amount of 8.1 billion tenge are being implemented.

"This year at KazNU for the first time created the Brain Institute to conduct fundamental and applied brain research. Also at the moment the Center of engineering competencies in the field of industrial robotics and robotics is under construction. In addition, scientists of KazNU recently won a megagrant worth 3.8 billion tenge to solve the problems of sustainable ecological and economic development of the West Kazakhstan region", - said Mr. Zh. Tuimebayev.

Informing about the high results of research in KazNU, Rector Zhanseit Tuimebaev cited the example that more than 10 science-intensive mini-productions for the production of low-volume products have been created in KazNU. About 10 mini-productions on creation of shungite concentrate, polyester resins, gas-discharge lamps, medicines, carbon nanostructures and others work effectively on the basis of the university.

Informing about the high-class research of scientists of KazNU Rector Zhanseit Tuimebaev urged foreign colleagues to closer cooperation.

Within the framework of the conference there was a panel discussion: "Forward to the East and West: connecting regions and education in the changing global environment", during which scientists exchanged views on the prospects for further cooperation.

Press-service of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University