23 october, 2023

On October 23, 2023, Faculty of the Department of History of Kazakhstan, Faculty of History of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, 1st year, with students of radio engineering, electronics and telecommunications held a round table on the topic "the truth of the Afghan War". The guests of the round table were teachers of the Department of History of Kazakhstan- Professor of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Doctor of Historical Sciences, veteran of the Afghan War Sailan Bolat Sanabayevich, Ph.D., associate professors Noyanov Edil Noyanovich, Arynov Zhumakan Makanovich. Speaking at the meeting, D. I. Professor, Sailan Bolat Sanabayevich noted that the Afghan War was a war that broke out on December 27, 1979 as a result of the invasion of the USSR Armed Forces in Afghanistan and the invasion of its internal affairs. This tragedy, which turned into an unfinished war, lasted not only inside the country, but also with the participation of external states. Realizing that this war would not make much difference, the leaders of the Soviet government came to a single decision to withdraw the entire army in Afghanistan within two years. On February 15 , 1989 , the commander , Lieutenant General B. Gromov noted that ”the Soviet army was completely withdrawn from Afghanistan." The students who attended the round table listened to the good memories of the youth of the last quarter of the twentieth century and their service to the Motherland. At the end of the meeting, the students asked questions and received appropriate answers. The end of the meeting turned into an eventful evening.