KazNU strengthens ties with Malaysian universities

4 december, 2023

A special delegation from Malaysia paid a working visit to Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.

The delegation consisted of Rahiman Ibrahim, Director of Malaysian Global Education Services Company, Eida Nadirah, Principal of University of Kuala Lumpur, Norlela Baharudin, Principal of Berjay Norlela College-University, Irsyad Muhammad, representative of University of Malaya, Raja Fariz, Regional Manager of Malaysian Global Education Services Company.

During the conversation, the two sides addressed the issues of increasing partnership and activation of work on the exchange of teachers and students under the academic mobility program.

Chairman of the Board - Rector of Al-Farabi KazNU Zhanseit Tuimebayev familiarized the guests with the achievements and future plans of the university.

"Currently there are about 26 thousand students studying at the university. Of them 3000 students came from abroad. In the future it is planned to increase the number of students coming to KazNU from other countries. Our university successfully continues its scientific and educational activities. Today there are more than 100 scientific projects developed by scientists of the university. Currently the work on commercialization of these innovative projects is underway. In this context, KazNU has great potential for the development of cooperation with Malaysian universities in the field of science and education," - said the rector.

In turn, the members of the delegation noted the dynamic development of bilateral relations and expressed interest in further strengthening the partnership.

Press-service of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University