KazNU staff upgraded their qualifications

5 december, 2023

Employees of KazNU - Head of the Secretariat Office Duman Zhekenov and Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science Bekzhan Meirbayev received a certificate of Academic Leadership Institute Executive University Leadership Program - a professional development program for the heads of state universities of Kazakhstan.

The event was held at Nazarbayev University with the participation of 28 heads of universities in Kazakhstan. Deputy Prime Minister Tamara Duisenova made a welcoming speech in the final session of the module. She noted the importance of realizing the task of improving the quality of education set by the Head of State. "Much work is done on social and infrastructural direction. At the same time, the task of improving the quality of education remains paramount. We have prepared a draft national report. Its purpose is that we must move from the paradigm of the organization of education to the paradigm of formation of personality formation," Deputy Prime Minister addressed the participants of the program.

Vice Minister of Science and Higher Education Talgat Yeshenkulov thanked Nazarbayev University for the organization and noted the importance of the practical component of the course program.

The program, which started in April 2023, included nine interactive modules.  Each meeting of the leaders was dedicated to different processes of transformation in the university, such as: value orientations of higher education institutions, leadership, revision of the university structure, solving student issues and ensuring the quality of academic programs. During the course, rectors and vice-rectors listened to lectures of national and international experts in the field of higher education, representatives of ministries, members of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, worked in groups, solved practical problems and shared experience and cases on the work done in universities.

During the final module, for two days participants defended their group projects, answering questions about what should be technical, pedagogical, national universities of the future. At the same time, they discussed the draft National Report "Quality Education Available to Everyone".

At the end of the final module, 81 leaders received a certificate of completion of the course. Presenting the certificates to the participants, Minister of Science and Higher Education Sayasat Nurbek thanked everyone for their active participation and expressed hope that the knowledge gained and conclusions and ideas drawn from the course would be applied in practice.

It should be noted that this course for heads of universities was held within the framework of the Academic Leadership Program project and Al-Farabi KazNU was a partner of the Executive University Leadership Program.

The work of module 3 "Data-driven decision making" (Data-driven decision making) was held on the basis of Al-Farabi KazNU.

Press-service of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
