As we know, the digital economy is a set of public relations using electronic technologies, electronic infrastructure and services, technologies for analyzing large amounts of data and forecasting in order to optimize production, distribution, exchange, consumption and increase the level of socio-economic development of the state. In turn, digitalization of the transport and logistics sector increases the volume of transit traffic. Due to digital technologies, transit freight traffic in Kazakhstan will receive a new impetus. This task is outlined in the state program "Digital Kazakhstan", within which logistics companies are actively developing the latest technologies.
Digital logistics is a digital railway that includes intelligent control systems, unmanned technologies and full automation of document management, ensuring the movement of goods to and from the country. Digital railways will increase capacity by 50% and halve the cost of transportation.
The effectiveness of logistics systems depends to a certain extent on the technologies used in them. If modern technologies allow institutions to implement new logistics solutions, then the introduction of new technologies makes it possible to optimize the production process, improve their work, and implement previously inaccessible and impossible operations. Digital technologies are a prerequisite for the successful development of any company and country in the transport sector, as well as a source of additional advantages in the organization of domestic and international transportation.
The high level of requirements for the efficiency of cargo transportation management in vehicles determines the need for a high level of digitalization of operations of participants in the transport market. As a result, digital technologies have moved from auxiliary tools to a group of basic tools that can significantly reduce the cost of organizing and carrying out cargo transportation, improve the quality of transport and logistics services, increase the productivity of employees of transport companies, as well as increase the competitiveness of the company.
Logistical events are always driven by data flows. Such flows include the movement of goods, vehicles, etc. The logistical integration of geo-positioning systems that allow tracking the location of vehicles and radio frequency coding systems of goods (RFID), as well as the introduction of smart contracts create a new digital logistics.
For example, today smart containers are equipped with RFID sensors and they provide information about the location of the cargo, its condition and dangerous weather conditions. Internet of Things (IoT) technologies based on information received from sensors will allow containers to be reloaded in a timely manner and choose optimal routes for transportation.
In this regard, it is possible to list the advantages of digital logistics, which will further clarify the direction of digitalization of transportation in the new Kazakhstan:
- control the location of the goods, the delivery of the goods;
- visibility of the product at each point of its journey and, as a result, transparency and
control of the delivery route;
- prevent fuel theft, make the car more efficient;
- data for non-commercial use and analysis of various situations;
- automatic communication with the dispatcher and integration with ERP systems;
- driver's assistants and traffic drivers, in the long term full
the autonomy of the car;
- on-site inventory of logistics warehouses, warehouses or containers;
- fully automated storage systems equipped with robots and
autonomous (offline) autoloaders;
- react to changes in the situation in real time
Digital logistics reduces the time, labor and financial losses associated with data research to create optimal business interaction schemes based on effective modeling of production, economic and trade-economic relations between various institutions. The development of digital logistics of cargo transportation in the organization makes it possible to optimize the cargo transportation event, significantly reduce the cost of its planning and provision.
In this regard, undergraduates and students need to increase their knowledge of digital logistics in new Kazakhstan and create the most modern efficient transport and logistics system, improve transport and logistics operations on any type of transport, taking into account the provision of a wide range of services, offer competitive tariffs, further improve corridors for transit cargo flows on a constant, linear basis, where the timing of passage, cost and systematic use of these corridors will be clearly defined, organization and development of optimal conditions and infrastructure for incoming and outgoing cargo flows, followed by local distribution to final destinations.
So, on December 8, 2023, on the implementation of the 8th Sustainable Development Goal at the Department of Business Technologies, under the leadership of the head of the Department Akhmetova Z.B. and associate professors Sartova R.B., Kamali K.M., Director of NK-GLOBAL LJGISTICS Manap Zarina Kenzhebekuyzy, a leadership lecture was invited and held on the topic : "New Kazakhstan- digital logistics" for 4th year students of the specialty "Logistics", where the participants actively discussed the topic of digitalization of logistics.