KazNU signed a memorandum with universities of the People's Republic of China

8 december, 2023

Within the framework of the "Exhibition of Chinese Universities" in the library "Al-Farabi" Kazakh National University signed a memorandum of cooperation and understanding with two universities of the PRC.

On the basis of the international agreement KazNU will implement programs of double-diploma education, hold joint conferences and symposiums with Nanjing University of Arts and Wuhan University of Sports.

The Memorandum allows for the exchange of undergraduate and graduate students under the academic mobility program, academic internships for faculty members, joint research in scientific areas, and the publication of scientific and academic papers.

The signing ceremony was attended by Zhanseit Tuimebaev, Chairman of the Board-Rector of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Li Tong, Vice President of Nanjing University of Arts and Liu Wanggang, President of Wuhan University of Sports.

It should be noted that today Al-Farabi KazNU has contacts with more than 50 universities in China. Among them are Beijing, Lanzhou, Xinjiang, Shanghai and other universities. A branch of the North-West Polytechnic University was opened on the basis of KazNU. In addition, today the Confucius Institute, the Faculty of Oriental Studies and the Department of Chinese Studies are successfully operating in the higher education institution.

Press-service of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University