On December 08, 2023, within the framework of SDG 2, inorder to «Еliminate hunger», senior lecturer of the Department of Finance and Accounting, PhD in Economics, O. Zhadigerovaorganized a «Сharity event» with the participation of 3rd yearstudents of the Finance specialty of the Faculty of Economics and Business.
The ability to provide food to the world is a key element ofsustainable development.
Healthy eating is the key to our lives.
After decades of steady decline, the number of peoplesuffering from hunger - measured by the prevalence ofmalnutrition - began to rise slowly again in 2015. According tocurrent estimates, almost 690 million people, or 8.9 percent ofthe world's population, are hungry in the world - an increase of10 million people in one year and almost 60 million in fiveyears.
The world is unable to achieve the goal of «Zero hunger» by2030. If trends continue, the number of people suffering fromhunger will exceed 840 million by 2030.
At the same time, the global food and agriculture systemneeds to be fundamentally changed so that we can feed the morethan 690 million people who are hungry today and 2 billionmore by 2050. Increasing agricultural productivity andsustainable food production are crucial to reducing the risk ofhunger.