Republican seminar – training «Sustainable Development Goal 3: Good Health and Well-being. Ensuring a healthy lifestyle and promoting well-being at all ages»

7 december, 2023

On December 7, 2023  within the framework of  “Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)” UN program, the teachers of the Department of Foreign Languages of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University,  Gaiipova G.A., Urazgaliyeva S.A. and Orazbayeva A.S.  organized  a republican online training-seminar on the topic «Ensuring a healthy lifestyle and promoting the well-being of everyone at any age».  The  1st year students of the Faculty of Information Technologies of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Khalel Dosmukhamedov Atyrau University and Abai Zhambyl Humanitarian Higher College participated in the seminar.

The aim of the 3rd goal:

It is based on the ability of young people to take responsibility for their own health, contributes to the proper development of the body and body's working capacity, and physical improvement of motor skills. It provides good training for developing social and everyday life skills as well as defense of the Motherland. It implements the formation of personality traits that ensure social adaptation and mental stability for effective professional growth. It aids in forming physical strength and a healthy lifestyle based on a system of knowledge about body features, physical education and athletic training. This event is aimed at promoting a healthy lifestyle among the younger generation, teaching them that protecting the environment starts from ourselves, awakening their constant enthusiasm for work and education, and strengthening friendship between people.


 The students of Kazakh National University prepared presentations, video materials on the given topic together with our guests and shared interesting information. The teachers of KazNU expressed their opinions and thanked the students for their thought-provoking presentations. The workshop was very interesting, informative and each student got useful information from this meeting. The seminar training was organized in English on the online ZOOM platform.

You can watch a video of the event at the link below: