Scientists of Al-Farabi KazNU visited Universite de Lille
In the period from 24 November 2023 to 2 December 2023, a group of scientists from Al-FarabiKazakh National University consisting of candidate of economic sciences, acting professor, dean of HSEB Bimendieva L.A., candidate of economic sciences, acting professor, head of the department of "Business Technologies" Akhmetova Z.B., Candidate of Economic Sciences, acting professor KozhamkulovaJ.T., PhD, head of the PCF programme Tovma N.A., senior lecturer Shurenov N.B. visited Universite de Lille (France), which occupies 65th place in the world rating QS. The trip was within the framework of the programme BR18574200 "Revival of single-industry towns in the conditions of creation of New Kazakhstan on the basis of territorial marketing". As a result of the trip there was a meeting with the Deputy Dean for International Activities of the Faculty of Economics, Social Science and Territories of the University de Lille Michael Brei and Professor of the Faculty of Economics, Social Sciences and Territories of the University de Lille Yannick Bineau. During the meeting the development of small towns in France and single-industry towns in the Republic of Kazakhstan was discussed. In addition, access was obtained to work in the library to study and systematise the experience of functioning of industrial small towns. It is of interest that possibilities of international co-operation between Al-Farabi KazNU and the Faculty of Economics, Social Science and Territories University de Lille, as well as prospects for future joint collaboration were discussed.