A new academic textbook is dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Faculty of Geography and Nature Management

13 december, 2023

Dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Faculty of Geography and Environmental Sciences NEW TEACHING MANUAL «Biorisk Management in the Life Sciences / Тіршілік туралы ғылымдардағы биологиялық тәуекелдерді басқару /Управление биорисками в науках о жизни», 305 pages, prepared by Associate Professor of the UNESCO Chair for Sustainable Development of the Faculty of Geography and Environmental Sciences of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Cand. Biol. Sci., Tazhibaeva Tamara Lashkarovna.

The purpose of the manual is to develop new competencies in students, including the development of modern knowledge and practical skills necessary for managing biorisks in the life sciences, timely detection, mitigation, prevention of hazardous impacts on the environment and humans, as well as increasing the responsibility of scientists in science and industry activities for the benefit of sustainable development of modern society in accordance with SDGs 3 and 4.

The teaching manual “Biorisk Management in the Life Sciences” was developed under a grant of the U.S. Civilian Research and Development Foundation (CRDF Global) in collaboration with the Nuclear Technology Safety Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan. This interdisciplinary manual contains lecture materials with reference data on the main aspects of this issue, seminars with the topics for discussion, case studies and exercises for the specific situational problems, as well as tasks for students' independent work, final questions for control, references and appendices. The manual “Biorisk Management in the Life Sciences” is written in English, Kazakh and Russian. It is recommended for master's and undergraduate students of various specialties in the field of natural sciences, young scientists and university teachers, representatives of research institutes and laboratories, as well as all the people involved in biological risk management. It has an electronic format and can be used for full-time and distance learning.


An electronic version of the manual is available on this website.