Sustainable development of the natural, economic and socio-economic systems of the West Kazakhstan region in the context of green growth

14 december, 2023

West Kazakhstan State University named after by M.Utemisov, at the Faculty of Natural Geography, a working meeting was held with scientists in the field of geography of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (PhD, Associate Professor E.H. Kakimzhanov, PhD, Associate Professor T.A. Bazarbayeva) within the framework of a mega grant on the topic BR21882122 "Sustainable development of natural and economic and socio-economic systems of the West Kazakhstan region in the context of green growth: comprehensive analysis, concept, forecast estimates and scenarios" ?lang=ru.   

The scientists of this university are represented by the vice-rector for Scientific Work and International Relations, PhD, Professor K.M. Akhmedenov, Dean of the Faculty of Natural Geography A.A. Turgumbaev, professors of this faculty S.K. Ramazanov, Z.Ya. Sakharnova and others.

During this meeting, issues of the current state of the natural resource potential were discussed, the problems of human-made pollution of the soil cover of the studied region were touched upon.