KazNU discussed issues of linguistics and digital development

14 december, 2023

The Al-Farabi Kazakh National University launched an international round table "Scientific research and educational policy in the era of digital development" dedicated to the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The organizers of the large-scale event were the Faculty of Philology and the Research Institute of Turkology and Altaic Studies of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. Participants and guests of the event familiarized themselves with the book exhibition "Kazakhstan philology during the years of creation of the sovereign state: education and research".

The Chairman of the Board - Rector of Al-Farabi KazNU Zhanseit Tuimebayev addressed the participants with a welcoming speech. Congratulating those present on Independence Day, he reminded that at the tenth summit of the Organization of Turkic States Head of State Kasym-Jomart Tokayev in order to strengthen cooperation of the Turkic world in the field of education and science proposed to open branches of the world's best universities in the member countries of the organization, to jointly develop digital technologies, to hold scientific events, to exchange experiences, to implement projects.

"Nowadays, digitalization has become the main mechanism for the development of science. Being a research university, our educational institution should effectively implement digital transformation in all areas of science. In this regard, KazNU is taking measures to adapt educational and research services to the world market," - emphasized the head of the university. He also emphasized that the conference is held within the framework of celebrating the anniversary of the Director of the Research Institute of Turkology and Altaic Studies, Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor Nursulu Shaimerdenova, congratulating the outstanding scientist on this significant event.

At the round table also spoke: Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Philology Bayan Joldasbekova, member of the Board - Vice-Rector for Research and International Relations of Kyzylorda University named after Korkyt Ata Mainura Buribayeva, Dean of the Faculty of Philology of ENU named after L.N.Gumilev Ardak Beisenbay and others.

The speakers presented to the attention of the round table participants informative reports on topical issues. Thus, Eleonora Suleimenova, Professor of KazNU, Honorary President of the Kazakhstan Public Association of Teachers of Russian Language and Literature, devoted her speech to the topic "Language and digitalization: what do we teach philologists?". "Artificial intelligence creates dictionaries equal in quality to dictionaries created by humans even on the basis of national corpora, deciphers written monuments of unknown languages, generates texts of different genres, including master's and doctoral theses," the speaker emphasized. - Since the second half of the twentieth century, linguistics has been rapidly evolving towards natural and mathematical disciplines. The digitalization of language, and consequently the changing methodology of its study, play a major role in this process".

On the second day of the forum, a workshop will take place.  The main report on the theme "Research projects in the past and present" will be presented by the Director of the Research Institute of Turkology and Altai Studies, Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor Nursulu Shaimerdenova.

During the round table participants discussed such issues as: the impact of digital development on scientific research; changes needed in educational policy to support scientific research; consequences for educational policy in the transition from traditional research methods to digital ones; resources and infrastructure needed to support scientific research and others.

Press-service of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University