The “Best Student of the CIS” competition’s result
12.12.2023 Bolatova Anel 4th year student of the Management specialty, HSEB, al-Farabi Kazakh National University took an active part in the republican forum “Leader of the 21st Century”. Forum was held by the National Innovative Research Center “Bilim-orkenieti” under the support of Republic of Kazakhstan Ministry of Education. The goal of forum was to establish connections between the talent students. Event took place at the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. At the forum Anel was awarded the badge and certificate “Best Student of the CIS”, and a 1st degree Diploma.
The organizers of the event awarded Faculty Dean L.A. Bimendieva, the Head of the Management Department A.N. Turginbayeva, and the supervisor S.I. Taszharganov, who supported Anel in this competition, with letters of thanks.
Faculty Dean and the Head of the Department wished Anel success in conquering new milestones in the future. Supervisor presented her the book and the ticket on movie.
We wish all our students success!