Specialist of his business

13 december, 2023

Leading specialist of the department of physical chemistry, catalysis and petrochemistry Ten Nadezhda Vasilievna became the winner of the competition "The best specialist-2023" among the employees of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. As an experienced leading specialist of the department, she constantly takes an active part in educational processes and works hard in the training of young specialists, providing timely preparation and competent and quality laboratory works on each subject, which allows to combine theoretical knowledge in the process of practice. Besides, in the modern preparation of laboratory works in accordance with the requirements of modernity of the department, she finds a common language with the teaching staff, shares her ideas, thoughts and constantly contributes to the positive solution of problems that exist today in the field of higher education. She enjoys special prestige among students and staff and is a mentor to young people.

Head of the department – Aubakirov Y.A.

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