"problems of research of medicine of nomadic peoples"
An ONLINE SEMINAR will be held on December 19, 2023: "problems of research of medicine of nomadic peoples" within the framework of the scientific research project AR19675139 "The legacy of medieval Turkic medicine in Persian sources: "Tansuk-nam Ilkhani", "Asrar al-Atibba'". The format of the event is a mixed format. ID: 834 5698 3969 Code: 641692. The event is held within the framework of the SDGs quality education.
Venue: Almaty city, Kurmangazy street, 29, 5th floor, Winter garden.
Organizers: The Scientific Research Center "Monuments of Writing and Spiritual Heritage", the Department of Turksoy of the Faculty of Oriental Studies of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University and "Gylym Ordasy" under the Committee of Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.