Online meeting with Aiman Sakhova, Director of PR at Huawei in Kazakhstan
04 In order to implement SDG in the directionof “Quality Education”, on December 1 at 14:00. Anonline meeting was held between Aiman Sakhova, director of public relations at Huawei in Kazakhstan, and students of Al-Farabi Kazakh NationalUniversity. Ayman shared her experience with thestudents, focusing on the topics like: “PR in thecorporate sector, the strategic role of PR, personalbranding.” Aiman is a specialist with more than 10 years of experience in the field of marketing andalso she is fluent in several foreign languages.
The headliner highlighted students' attention tothe need for the correct selection and application ofstrategies in the company. During the meeting, students received answers to their questions andactively exchanged opinions.
At the master class, students had the opportunityto meet and listen to an experienced specialist whohas accumulated extensive experience, worked inthis field for many years and achieved suchwonderful results. In total, 144 students of thespecialties “Logistics” and “Marketing” took part atthis meeting. The meeting took place online.
Organizers: Akhmetova Z.B., Turlybekova N.M., Rysbaeva B.B.