Evaluated the historical contribution

20 december, 2023

Al-Farabi KazNU hosted an international scientific-practical seminar dedicated to the historical role of Alashordins in the adoption of the decree of August 26, 1920, which approved the Kazakh border.

The event was organized by the Institute of State and Law named after G.S. Sapargaliev, the Department of Theory and History of State and Law, Constitutional and Administrative Law of the Faculty of Law and the Faculty of History of Al-Farabi KazNU.

The work of the seminar was opened by a member of the Board - Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of Al-Farabi KazNU Lyazzat Erkinbaeva, who in her introduction noted the historical role of the Alashordians in defending the territory of Kazakhstan. According to the speaker, a special role in determining the historical boundaries of Kazakh territory belonged to Alimkhan Ermekov.

Famous journalist Maya Bekbayeva presented a report on "Alimkhan Yermekov and his contribution to the definition of state borders".

The seminar was also addressed by leading Kazakhstani and foreign scientists and experts: academician Erkesh Nurpeisov, director of the Institute of Cultural and Spiritual Development "Alash" Sultan Khan Zhusip, Russian scientists, doctors of law Vladislav Tolstykh and Gulnaz Adygezalova and others. 

The speeches of the seminar speakers aroused keen interest of the participants, becoming a starting point for an open and objective debate between representatives of humanitarian scientific branches.

"In December 1991, the USSR legally ceased to function and the administrative boundaries established on the basis of the decree of August 26, 1920 on the principle of Uti possidetis became state borders. Thanks to the Alashordins, the territorial integrity of historical territories, on which Kazakh statehood functioned from the earliest times, was secured", - emphasized in his speech the Director of the Institute of State and Law named after G.S. Sapargaliev Aron Salimgerey.

The participants of the seminar shared their opinions and analyzed the ideas of Alashordians on defending the territorial integrity of Kazakhstan from a new point of view

Press-service of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University