12 december, 2023


On 12.12.2023, the Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science, under the guidance of Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Management of Education, Ph.D. K. Sh. Moldasan and Ph.D., Associate Professor A.M. Tekesbaeva, 1st year undergraduates of the educational program "7M01802 - Social Pedagogy and self-knowledge" A. U. Edilbaev and G. J. Muratov conducted an educational hour for 4th year students of the specialty "5B010300-Pedagogy and Psychology" under the title "Sustainable Development Goals: combating climate change".

  The purpose of the educational activity:

    1. Formation of students' general understanding of the Goals of sustainable development;

    2. Defining the basic principles of the environment;

    3. Analysis of the main sources of environmental law;

    4. Identification of other negative effects of climate change.

  During the lecture, solutions to environmental problems were proposed by analyzing climate change and examining statistical data. In conclusion, a 1-month challenge was presented, "WHAT CAN I CHANGE NOW?" and the participants were given a guide.

  As a result of the event, students received information about how prepared various sectors of Kazakhstan are for climate change. In addition, we realized the importance of protecting our nature for the future. The students stated that they decided to use environmentally friendly products, save water, heat energy, and protect our city from pollution.

  In general, in order to preserve the integrity of nature, it is necessary to change the moral and ethical qualities of a person and form a new relationship between nature and man. We believe that every member of society should contribute to climate improvement as much as possible, regardless of environmental problems.

  The organizers of the event: Ph.D., Associate Professor A.M. Tekesbayeva and Ph.D., Associate Professor K.S. Moldasan.1st year students of the educational program "7M01802 – Social pedagogy and self-knowledge":  A.U. Edilbayeva and G.J.Muratova.