Teacher of KazNU received a grant "Tauelsizdik Urpaktary"

21 december, 2023

Gulzat Kairanova, a first-year doctoral student of the Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, became one of the winners of the competition to award the grant "Tauelsizdik urpaktary".

The "Tauelsizdik urpaktary" grants are awarded for the best scientific projects with the purpose of state support of new and existing initiatives of young people aimed at forming a community of actively creative young people. Competitive selection is conducted in five areas: science, culture, information technology, business and medicine. This year 30 grants were awarded, 3 million tenge for each grant.

The Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan announced the results of the competition, established by the Head of State.

The winner of the grant "Tauelsizdik urpaktary" in the category "science" was a teacher of the Department of Fundamental Medicine of the Faculty of Medicine and Public Health, a 1st year doctoral student of the Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology of Al-Farabi KazNU Gulzat Kairanova. The young scientist presented a scientific project "Biological profile and bioactive potential of wild-growing folk medicinal plant Parnolistnika ordinary".

We congratulate and wish creative burning, new interesting and promising scientific projects!

Press-service of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University