KazNU jointly with Turkic Academy develops Yasawiye studies

22 december, 2023

The Al-Farabi Kazakh National University hosted an international scientific-practical conference "Legacy of Khoja Ahmed Yasawi and the spiritual world of Turkic peoples", dedicated to the 930th anniversary of the birth of Khoja Ahmed Yasawi. The event was organized by KazNU together with the International Turkic Academy.

The conference was attended by: Advisor to the President of Kazakhstan Malik Otarbayev, President of the International Turkic Academy Shahin Mustafayev, Chairman of the Board - Rector of Al-Farabi KazNU Zhanseit Tuimebayev, Professor from Azerbaijan Fuzuli Bayat, Professor of Turkey Ibrahim Marash, foreign and domestic scientists-turkologists and orientalists, teaching staff and students of the university.

At the event, Advisor to the President of Kazakhstan Malik Otarbayev read out a congratulatory letter from the Head of State Kasym-Jomart Tokayev.

"Khoja Ahmed Yasawi is a unique personality who made an invaluable contribution to the development of Turkic civilization. It is necessary and important to comprehensively study and comprehend his works, in which he calls on mankind to perform virtuous deeds. In this regard, the organization of scientific and cognitive events is of great importance. For brotherly countries, the Yasawi Mausoleum in Turkestan is a masterpiece of medieval architecture, a unique monument. The state pays great attention to its modernization and popularization in accordance with the requirements of time. This is evidenced by granting the mausoleum the status of "National Historical and Cultural Monument". I am confident that today's conference dedicated to the spiritual heritage of Khoja Ahmed Yasawi will open the way to good endeavors," the letter reads.

During the conference the head of KazNU Zhanseit Tuimebaev made a speech, who noted that Khoja Ahmed Yasawi is a great scientist not only of Kazakh people, but also of the whole Turkic world.

"The head of state said: "This year marks the 930th anniversary of the birth of Khoja Ahmed Yasawi. In this regard, comprehensive study and popularization of the great thinker's works are very important. A scientific center or institute of Yasawiye studies should be established in the country". Today's conference is devoted to Yasawi's heritage and spiritual world of Turkic peoples. In this issue, scientists of the Turkic world should unite their efforts and focus on the realization of a common goal. There are many heritage sites in the Turkic world that are still not fully studied. In this context, we opened the Research Institute of Turkology and Altai Studies on the basis of KazNU. Currently, specialists of this center are studying rare manuscripts, materials of ancient books. And also works on the study of Yasawi's activities are underway," the rector said.

In turn, President of the International Turkic Academy Shahin Mustafayev emphasized: "Khoja Ahmed Yasawi occupies a special place in the cultural, spiritual life of Turkic peoples. He contributed to the spread and development of Islamic civilization in the Turkic land. The thinker's work "Diwani hikmet" is a valuable relic for us. Scientific works of the great scientist tell about the Turkic world".

During the meeting, reports were made by domestic and foreign professors, Turkologists and orientalists, who dwelt on the life path and works of Khoja Ahmed Yasawi. The work of the conference continued in the framework of breakout sessions.


Press-service of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University