Rector met with heads of research institutes of KazNU

22 december, 2023

Chairman of the Board - Rector of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Zhanseit Tuimebaev held a meeting with heads of research institutes on the basis of KazNU.

At the meeting Zhanseit Tuimebayev noted the importance of open format meetings in terms of development of scientific potential of the university. Also in his speech, the rector emphasized that he will hold a monthly meeting on the results of research work.

"Last year by the resolution of the Government the university was granted the status of a research university. This places great responsibility on the scientists of the university. We must develop science in the university and realize new innovative projects. In addition, to actively involve and motivate students to scientific work in order to form a number of young researchers", - said the rector.

The meeting focused on the university's support for academics and discussed ways to address barriers that arise during research.

In turn, the heads of research institutes present at the meeting shared their research experience, as well as the results of their work.


Press-service of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University