Strengthening interuniversity scientific cooperation

15 december, 2023

On December 15, 2023, the Faculty of International Relations hosted an open lecture by the director of the Institute for Strategic Studies and of the RUDN University, Dmitry Aleksandrovich Egorchenkov, and Vladimir Alekseevich Avatkov, Doctor of Political Sciences, head of the Department of the Middle and Post-Soviet East of the INION RAS of the Russian Federation.

Famous scientists in the field of international relations shared their experience with students and teachers of the faculty during their visit to the Republic of Kazakhstan. The event was aimed at deepening ties between universities and establishing scientific interaction.

The topic of Vladimir Alekseevich Avatkov’s lecture was “The foreign policy of the Republic of Turkey at the present stage,” which touched upon issues of Turkey’s soft power and presented a complex picture of Turkey’s foreign policy and claims to global leadership.

Dmitry Aleksandrovich Egorchenkov in his lecture “Cultural sympathy in the post-Soviet space” showed the subtle dynamics of cultural interactions in the post-Soviet space, shedding light on the importance of cultural mutual understanding in the formation of international relations.

The lectures generated an active exchange of ideas in which students actively participated by asking insightful questions. Direct answers to direct questions fostered engaging dialogue between scientists and audiences, promoting a deeper understanding of the topics discussed.

The visit of Russian scientists became not only a platform for the dissemination of knowledge, but also an opportunity to strengthen ties between Al-Farabi KazNU and RUDN University. Students eager to improve their understanding of global issues enthusiastically participated in the event. The detailed event demonstrated the value of such academic exchanges in nurturing an intelligent generation of diplomats and economists and became a cornerstone in ongoing efforts to expand international cooperation in the academic and scientific fields.