25 december, 2023

The results of the “Best Researcher” award for 2023 have been summed up. The winners were 50 scientists from research institutes, universities and scientific departments of organizations, each of whom will receive a certificate and a prize in the amount of 2000 MCI.

In accordance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated February 18, 2011 No. 407-IV “On Science”, another measure to support scientists from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan was the establishment of the annual award “Best Scientist”. It is aimed at supporting and encouraging scientists and researchers who have made a significant contribution to the development of science and technology.

Applications for participation in the competition were accepted through an information system that was created specifically for this competition and automatically calculated scores based on nine criteria. This ensured transparency and transparency of the competition. The criteria for assessing scientific achievements were developed together with the scientific and expert community. All competition participants could see their scores already at the application stage, which were considered by the Republican Competition Commission and checked by expert groups in the sections to ensure that the submitted documents corresponded to the approved criteria. The commission and expert groups included leading scientists, independent experts, representatives of government agencies and members of the Council of Young Scientists.

A total of 307 applications were received for the competition in 7 areas: “Natural Sciences”, “Engineering and Technology”, “Medicine and Healthcare”, “Social Sciences”, “Humanities and Arts”, “Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences” and “Military Sciences and National security".

Also, according to the Rules for awarding the annual “Best Scientist” award, approved by Order No. 544 dated November 2, 2021, the authorized body in the field of science created an appeal commission to review the results of the competition.

As a result, the Republican Competition Commission decided to award the “Best Scientist” award in 2023 to 50 scientists who have made a significant contribution to the development of domestic science. PhD, acting Professor of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics Belyaev E.K. became one of the winners of the Republican competition.