youth art competition "Daminosik"

3 january, 2024

We tend to understand the national singing art as a frequent male tradition, but the Kazakh song anthology is not limited to this. Most of the household songs come from the singing traditions of girls. The distinctive intonation in the singing performance of the girls is entwined mainly with a long melody, i.e. the repertoire consists mainly of lyrical songs. Melodic development in girlish performance also has its own purpose.
The international children's and youth art competition "Daminosik" was held. It was attended by a 1st year college student, majoring in jurisprudence Islam Anel, who took the first place with the song "Қазағым менің осындай". Islam Anel has been engaged in art since childhood, and in the future wants to combine singing and the legal profession. Kazakh girls are artistic.