Senior Lecturer, Department of Far East, Al-Farabi KazNU won a grant from the Korea Foundation for research work

12 january, 2024

    Senior teacher of the Far East Department Serikbaeva Zaripa Asilbekovna became the owner of a grant from the Korea Foundation. The purpose of the grant is to support scientific research and projects carried out by foreign scientists and university teachers. The grant provided by the largest Korean Foundation involves the implementation of a scientific project in the Republic of Korea. The internship will take place at one of the leading universities in Korea, Seoul National University, Faculty of Education, from February 1 to July 31, 2024, as part of a research project in the field of teaching Korean as a foreign language.

     The Korea Foundation, through a number of programs, seminars and various projects aimed at popularizing Korean studies, provides support to scientists and university teachers in their research work. The grant competition is open to applicants from around the world engaged in research and teaching in the field of Korean studies.

     Receiving a grant is not only an excellent opportunity for the implementation of scientific work and projects, but also opens the door for cultural and scientific exchange between Kazakhstan and South Korea.