15 january, 2024

The more I got acquainted with foreign universities, the more I was convinced that Al-Farabi KazNU is actually a place of opportunities.

As a member of ORBICOM, an organization of global mass communication and journalism at UNESCO, we have visited several developed countries and seen several classical universities. Enough nodes, examples from those educational institutions that have a deep history, a lot of experience. But...

Yes, but, putting my hand on my heart, I will say: for me, the place is completely different!

This educational institution is the dream of every Kazakh child who wants to study!

This educational institution is the dream of famous scientists and sages who want to study here and live a meaningful life!

This educational institution is the silver chest of Alash zhuldy, the pearl of history!

This town is the beaver collar of Alkarakk cloak on the shoulder of Asem Alatau!

To put it mildly, add to it the name of the flagship in the national universities of Central Asia!

So I am always proud to have served as Vice-Rector for Language and Education at this black Shanyrak for eight years.

I still remember that first we had to define a work plan to be implemented depending on the line of action. For this purpose, we developed a concept for the education of student youth and published it in two issues of the journal "education and labor". It was supported by the then Minister of Education and Science Berkimbaeva Shamsha Kopbaevna and obliged to use it in higher educational institutions. After all, our students lacked Not education, but upbringing.

But there are many types of education. Of them, the fact that spiritual upbringing was incomplete immediately caught the eye. So we opened a spiritual center for youth in the Palace of Students. It has become a tradition to hold the annual festival "Meninң Kazakhstanim". We held the "Day" of Goat and Bayan, the contest "Miss Kaznu". Opened the student theater "we", he spoke out against drug addiction "do not get lost!" there were many young people who were disappointed and cried when the play was staged. The play "Toi" was attended by students and teachers from other educational institutions.

In honor of the Nauryz holiday, theatrical performances in the national style, which took place in front of the Rectorate House and the Palace of Students and in the stadium, were also attended by the public of the city.

The guests were especially impressed by the fact that in 2004, President Nursultan Nazarbayev and Romanian President Vaclav Klaus, in connection with the arrival of more than one and a half thousand students and teachers to the university, placed their right hand on the heart in the Palace of Students and for the first time sang the anthem without a phonogram. This tradition was later included in the law "On State Symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan", and the laying of hands on the heart when reciting the anthem was considered obligatory.

Nevertheless, the scale of construction at that time and today's city are not comparable. Now there is everything necessary for every age that does not want to lag behind human civilization:

More than 180 specialties are taught in educational buildings equipped to meet the requirements of the times; at the heart of which is a library with a collection of about 2,000,000. In addition, there are reading rooms equipped with many modern advanced technologies; 14 dormitories of each specialty built around the campus pass one after another; the service center in the very center is at the convenience of the public. According to Rector Zhanseit Tuimebayev, the second phase of the university's construction will begin next year. Soon, if there is prosperity, we too will witness it.

Of course, it is true that many of these benefits did not take root immediately. We know from history that all these things were gradually realized thanks to the persistence of the lobal citizens of our nation. I do not forget that for the first time the educational buildings for humanitarian specialties were given out. The time when the construction of the Rectorate House and the Palace of Students is still underway. During a break between classes, we went out on the balcony and admired the incredible labor front, which we had never seen before.

As it is known, such honored academicians as T. Tazhibaev, T. Darkhanbaev were rector of the university in different years. Each of them pulled up the walls of the educational institution and did not sweat much. Nevertheless, the merit of Omirbek Aryslanovich in today's city kaznu-alaboten. With the support of the leaders of the republic and region Dinmukhamed Kunayev and Asanbai Askarov, our rector Omirbek Zholdasbekov proved to everyone that he is an excellent leader. Since then his name has become a legend.

When Omirbek Aryslanovich became rector, we were students. It was the only faculty in the republic that trained future journalists. Our course studied such well-known figures of journalism as Zhursun Ermanov, Askar Yegeubaev, Dautali Stambekov, Nesipbek Aitov, Tursyn Zhurtbaev, Zhanbolat Aupbaev. Our faculty is located in the corner with an assembly hall-pedestal. Today the same faculty together with the treasury has 90 torcals.

The educational institution, opened in 1934 as the Institute of Communist Journalism (KIJ), trained correspondents writing in a demanded specialty for newspapers. In one of the memoirs of Kazakh Abyz poet Dikhan Abilev, the chairman of the final examination committee was Saken Seifullin. That is proud that in the beginning of Kazakh journalism there were such Alash Arysi who cared about the nation. After the institute, that is, in 1941, it became a part of the Kazakh State University.

After graduating from this institution in 1942, Kairzhan Bekkhozhin first worked as an editor at the Kostanay regional newspaper, and three years later returned to the Treasury. He lectured on journalism and also wrote textbooks. Thus, he became the first coordinator of training professionals.

One of the veterans of Kazakh journalism is the first dean of Amandos. Tauman Salykbaevich separated the journalism faculty from the philfak in 1966 and became the head himself. The authority of Tauman Salykbayuly, who previously headed the philfak, where the Auezovs worked, was too great. Features of behavior, dress, relationships with students. Later he became the first professor of journalism. When Tauman dragged Salykbayuly's remains out of the University, one of our elders said: "Amandosov has no dream. I still remember how he entered the University, bent over and came out of it."

For 14 years (1972-86.) under Kozhakeev, who was dean, the journalfak often appeared from previous places around the university. Brother Temirbek took the degree of journalism training to a new level. The leader, who made strict demands both on himself and others, worked his way up from student to faculty member. The phrase "we came out of the smokehouse" spread by the behavior of our dean at that time, by his style of work.

In 40 years, there were not so many talents at the Faculty of Journalism at MSU (10.01.10-journalism) as Marat Barmankulov, who defended his doctoral thesis for the first time from Central Asia. In the republics, in Moscow itself, defenders of doctoral degrees in this field were finger-pointing at the time. His comparative analysis of documentary genres in journalism was a remarkable discovery that resonated in academic circles. His search for television was particularly appreciated and was recognized as" a window on the world". To this day, few people appear before the works he wrote.

The theory and practice of modern Kazakh journalism were formed thanks to the painstaking work of such personalities. They are still referred to as a source of citation.

My leadership of the faculty coincided with independence. Therefore, I had to reconsider the place of the media in society and develop a new curriculum. For this purpose, it was necessary to study the history of journalism faculties in developed countries and familiarize ourselves with the practices of higher schools of journalism. So we went on business trips to the countries of America and Europe. Their scholars came to us and gave a lecture. In this way, new standards for journalism education in an independent country were developed and country ideals were put forward.

Experienced journalists were involved in lecturing, and a special council for awarding degrees was opened. There more than 60 candidates (10.01.10-journalism) defended their thesis and entered into scientific turnover actual problems of Kazakh journalism.

In 1995 he was accepted as a member of the World Organization for Mass Communications and Journalism at UNESCO from the countries of Central Asia. On May 14 of the following year, the first deputy of the then Director General of UNESCO Fredrico Major Adnan Badran specially flew to Kazakhstan and signed a contract between Kazakhstan and UNESCO. A UNESCO Chair was opened at the university on a contractual basis and, being a member of ORBICOM, I was appointed Head of the Chair.

From that moment our foreign barys-agreements increased. On the basis of international grants and UNESCO funds at the Faculty: a parabolic antenna capable of receiving messages from the right satellites was installed; a radio studio was created from an empty space in the corridor; a photo studio, a TV studio, and a computer room were also opened. Thus, the Faculty has risen to the international level by civilization adjustment of the educational process.

Namazaly OMASHEV,

Honored Worker of Kazakhstan,

Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor