The world of P. Bazhov’s fairy tales

22 january, 2024

On January 22, 2024,   the Center for Russian Language and Culture of the Faculty of Philology  at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, hosted   the event. The event was held as  a literary evening dedicated to the 145th anniversary of the great Russian writer,  P.P. Bazhov.  The  first-year students, foreign  students and young scholars studying and working at the Faculty of Philology took part in the event.

The program of the literary evening included readings and analyses of excerpts from Bazhov's  literary works:  " Malachite Casket," " Stone Flower," and " Silver Hoof."  The participants of the event  immersed  in the world of Ural fairy tales and legends enjying   virtuoso language and wise plots while discussing the significance  of P. Bazhov’s literary works  in the  development of a person.

 The participants watched the  video about  visual arts. They were also shown  the  artworks   based  on   P. Bazhov's literary works. The  atmosphere reflecting  P. Bazhov’s era was created during the event   which emphasized  the importance of  the writer’s  literary legacy.

S.B. Begalievа, the director of the Center for Russian Language and Culture,   ended the event with her speech  in which she emphasized the relevance, modernity, and importance of Bazhov's fairy tales. She also   mentioned about  their significant role in shaping moral values and cultural heritage. As these fairy  tales   hand down  traditional images and lessons  from generation to  generation, and   develop  imagination, ethics  and the  sense of justice  of  the youth.

Director of the Center for Russian Language and Culture, 

S.B. Begalievа.