Professor Zhatkanbaev E.B. was awarded the “Big Gold Medal”

25 january, 2024

In honor of the 90th anniversary of al-FarabiUniversity, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor Erzhan Baigozhaevich Zhatkanbaev by order No.17 of the University Rector dated January 12, 2024 was awarded the “Big Gold Medal” for his outstanding contribution to the development of al-Farabi Kazakh National University.

Erzhan Baygozhaevich is currently Professor at the Department of Management. Over the years, he worked as Vice-Rector of al Farabi KazNU, Director of the Institute of Economics and Law, and in different years the Dean of the various faculties.

From 1970 to the present, he has published more than 270 scientific articles, brochures, books, monographs, textbooks, educational and scientific methodological aids.