A traveling exhibition dedicated to the history of Otrar opened in KazNU

26 january, 2024

The exhibition "The Great Silk Road and urban culture of the Otyrar Valley" was opened in the museum of Al-Farabi KazNU to the 90th anniversary of the university.

The organizers of the traveling exhibition were: the Faculty of History, the Museum of KazNU and the State Archaeological Museum-Reserve "Otrar".

The purpose of the exhibition is to familiarize with ethnographic, spiritual and cultural heritage of our people, with valuable archeological artifacts telling about the history of the ancient city of Otrar, where the great thinker Abu-Nasr al-Farabi was born and grew up.

At the opening ceremony, a member of the Board of KazNU - Vice-Rector for Scientific and Innovative Activities Zhamila Aitzhanova spoke.

"The traveling exhibition of the Otrar State Archaeological Museum-Reserve contributes to the expansion of historical knowledge of our young scientists and students. The University continues to comprehensively develop areas of cooperation with museums of the country", - said the Vice-Rector.

The event was attended by Director of the Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology Gani Omarov, Professor Zhakyp Altayev, Dean of the Faculty of History Dosbol Baigunakov, Head of the Museum of KazNU Ardak Zhabikpaeva, members of the delegation of the State Archaeological Museum-Reserve "Otyrar" headed by Director Aibek Zhandosov.

The exhibition of historical exhibits was visited by scientists of the Al-Farabi Center at KazNU as well as staff of museums of biology, paleolithic, students-candaceans from China, Mongolia, Uzbekistan, studying at the historical and preparatory faculties of the university.

During the event, the presenter of the museum-reserve "Otrar" Yerlan Askerini familiarized with the exposition dedicated to historical exhibits found in Otyrar. The exhibition includes sections: "The Great Silk Road and Otrar X-XІІ centuries", "Otrar in the era of the Karakhanids", "XIV-XV centuries. Otrar of the Iron Age", "XVI-XVII centuries. Otrar under the Kazakh Khanate" and "The origin of written culture in Otrar".

The exhibition presents archeological artifacts from the collection of the fund of the museum-reserve "Otrar": ceramic products, numismatic materials, glass objects, rare artifacts, aerial photographs and maps related to the monuments.

The exhibition of the State Archaeological Museum-Reserve "Otrar" on the theme "The Great Silk Road and urban culture of the Otrar valley" will last for a month.

Press-service of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University