A fruitful path of pedagogical labor

30 january, 2024

The continuation of the path of educated and qualified people to the Kazakh people's gaining independence to become an equal and powerful state, not inferior to others, and the wide acquaintance of the younger generation with the life path of teachers who today enter the old age, form the basis of training and education of future generations. Despite the fact that the country was born with a Birthday, revived during the Second World War and from a young age has seen all the Toukoumettes, the moral life of those old men who today are at the height of eighty years could be seen in the breath of the Mechanical and Mathematical Faculty of the university. In this regard, one of our colleagues Zhenisbay Zhanabekov, respected for his impeccable mind, serious character, told the younger generation about life milestones and wished the anniversary.

Acting Professor of the Department of Mathematics Zhenisbay Zhanabekov was born on January 20, 1944 in the village of Aktogai, Konyrat district, Karaganda region (now Aktogai district). His father Zhanabek opened the doors of peace in the year of the beginning of the national liberation struggle of the Kazakh people, in 1941-43 he was wounded in the bloody massacre, on his return to the country, at the age of 38 he was engaged in Soviet-party activity. His mother, Mayrash, worked in the school profession as a respected teacher and died at the age of 39. The young parent, who from an early age felt the power of goodness and kindness, along with his uncle Zhenisbai, raised Kazakh and German children in the family, which probably formed a noble character in the descendants. Despite the early loss of his father, Zheken, who grew up in the palm of Ayala's hand, in a turbid environment, not succumbing to misfortune, in 1961 graduated from the secondary school named after M. Gorky of Aktogai village of Aktogai Aktogai district with a gold medal and in the same year entered the mechanical and mathematical faculty of S. Kirov KazSU in Almaty. In the walls of the university such prominent academicians as K. P. Persidsky, wise professors - Kh. I. Ibrashev, E. I. Kim, G. N. Bagautdinov, D. U. Umbetzhanov, V. H. Kharasakhal, nourish science from such connoisseurs of mathematics. Not remembering the vision and sanity of the teachers of that time, Zhenisbai Sr, Dean of the Faculty during the years of his mother's death, H. I. Ibrashev recalls the remarkable care of his teacher.

In 1966, having graduated from the university with a specialty in "Mathematics", according to the definition of the state commission, in the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR worked as a senior laboratory assistant in the laboratory of Professor E. I. Kim. In 1967 on the direction of the Minister of Higher and Secondary Education of Kazakhstan young specialist was sent to Karaganda State Pedagogical Institute (now Karaganda State University named after E. A. Buketov), where he worked as a teacher of the department of higher algebra, senior teacher. And since 1968, after serving in the ranks of the Soviet Army in Volgograd, Moscow, Tambov, from 1971 to 76 years became a research intern, postgraduate student of the Kazakh State University named after S. Kirov. Thanks to hard work in December 1981 at the Academic Council of KazGU under the guidance of Professor Lukyanov A. T. on the specialty "01.02.05. Mechanics of fluid, gas and plasma" defended a dissertation on the topic "Effective control of heat exchange in the two-phase boundary layer" and received the title of candidate of physical and mathematical sciences. Within the framework of this topic several scientific articles were published in the All-Union edition "Izvestiya Vuzov. Series Aviation Engineering " was published in the journal Scopus and contained qualified reports at numerous scientific conferences in Kazakhstan, scientific seminar of the Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Cybernetics of the Moscow State University named after M. Lomonosov (MSU), the seminar of Professor Sh. A. Yerin at the Department of Mechanics KazSU, where in 1987 at the international symposium in Minsk, an exchange of views with famous scientists. Especially significant influence on the development of his intended scientific direction was exerted by the scientific seminars of the Department of Control and Flight Theory under the guidance of Professor T.K. Sirazetdinov of the Aviation Institute of Kazan.

Zh. Zhanabekov's appointment as Dean of the Mathematics Department of Karaganda State University in 1982-83, his brother's participation in the All-Union Council of Deans of Higher Education Institutions (1983) and the All-Union Seminar-Conference of Heads of Higher Mathematics Departments in Moscow (1985). As it is known, in 1984-90, during the period of work as the head of the department of higher mathematics at the plant - VTUZ at "Kazmetallurgy" combine in Temirtau, this man later became the reason for the people who headed our independent republic, from the same environment flapped their wings. As a result of such painstaking activity, in 1987 the IMC (All-Union Attestation Commission) awarded the academic title of associate professor in the specialty "higher mathematics".

Along with scientific and pedagogical activity, which requires perseverance, not succumbing to the difficulties of raising three children, in search of a cure for the long serious illness of a kindred soul, since 1990 is an associate professor of the Department of Higher Mathematics, Mathematical Analysis, Fundamental Mathematics, Mathematics KazNU named after Al-Farabi, and since 2021 is a professor of the Department of Mathematics in the position of acting. Under the guidance of the mentor published more than 40 scientific and methodological works, including six textbooks: "Mathematical Methods in Psychology" (2003), "Mathematical Methods of Analysis in Psychology" (2005). Two articles (1977, 2020) have been published in Scopus journals.

We wish the winner Zhanisbay Zhanabekov, who has reached the age of eighty and has brought up serious sons and daughters in the country, a fruitful path of pedagogical labor!

Kanzharbek Baltabaevich, Head of the Department of Mathematics

Toleukhan SHOYBASOVICH, Associate Professor