Head of "Science Foundation" familiarized with the scientific infrastructure of KazNU

2 february, 2024

Kamil Akatov, Chairman of the Board of JSC "Science Foundation" of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, visited Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.

The guest of honor was met by Member of the Board - Vice-Rector for Scientific and Innovative Activities Zhamila Aitzhanova, who introduced the scientific infrastructure of higher educational institution.

Kamil Akatov visited the Scientific and Production Center for the production of chemical coatings "Chemical Coating Innovations", opened in the framework of the 90th anniversary of KazNU.

The project is implemented with the financial support of the Science Fund of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Scientists of the center are engaged in the production of classical and specific coatings for the needs of mechanical engineering, instrumentation, as well as for the souvenir and jewelry industry.

Project leader, Dean of the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technologies Alina Galeeva told the head of the Science Foundation about the main purpose of the center and the work carried out here.

Then Kamil Akatov visited the exhibition of scientific and innovative projects of KazNU. Head of commercialization office Almas Gauhar informed Kamil Akatov that 400 scientific projects were developed by scientists on the basis of the university,

At the exhibition to the guest of honor were presented sensors based on nanomaterials, biologically active supplements and phyto teas from medicinal plants, devices for the prevention and treatment of vascular pathologies, modernization of tourist digital content: mobile applications, panoramic 3D tours, interactive maps and QR codes, supercapacitors based on nanomaterials, psychophysiological markers of depression and others.

During his working visit to KazNU Kamil Akatov got acquainted with the work of the Center for Process Innovation. Director of the center Amirkhan Temirbaev told about the activities of the center of remote sensing of the Earth and the cluster of engineering and high technologies.

Kamil Akatov was also provided with information about nanosatellites "Al-Farabi-1" and "Al-Farabi-2" developed at the University. He was also shown an innovative designer "ALFASAT" for the development of space robotics and STEM education in educational institutions.

Having familiarized themselves with the scientific infrastructure of the educational institution, the parties discussed the issues of holding the "Reactor of technology commercialization" in KazNU, which became a dialogue platform uniting science and business.

Press-service of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University